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Last Updated On September 05, 2024

Google Ads to Upgrade Video Action Campaigns to Demand Gen in 2025

Google Ads to Upgrade Video Action Campaigns to Demand Gen in 2025
By Team TIS

It is the world of competition, we and you all are running in a race to keep up with the latest trends and maximize our online presence. With over 7.5 million new blogs published every day, the competition for attention is fierce. But, if there is a problem, the updates are all set as the saviors to occur in the coming years. There is one that would have a serious impact on paid advertising performance specifically, Google Ads is considering changing Video Action Campaigns to Demand Gen by 2025. This change now marks a significant movement toward how organizations could use video media for their marketing message.

Flooding with thousands of questions in mind, this blog has your answers. Here, you will explore its significance, the advantages that accompany it, and the measures that advertisers should undertake to adapt. Let’s get started:

Google Ads

Key Differences Between VACs and Demand Gen

Scope of Goals:

  • Video Action Campaigns: Primarily focused on driving specific user actions, such as conversions or clicks, with an emphasis on immediate ROI.
  • Demand Gen Campaigns: It is targeted at common branding and raising consideration together with other markets and channels in an attempt to create a higher number of leads via more extensive marketing strategies.

Targeting and Reach:

  • VACs: Target the users using Google’s targeting feature and link with those who are likely to act on it as per their behavior and interests.
  • DGCs: Utilize a broader range of targeting possibilities among which are demographic, interest, and contextual targeting in order to reach the client at every phase of the buying cycle.

Content Strategy:

  • VACs: Ensure that you target an interested audience with straightforward and call-to-action videos.
  • DGCs: Coordinate using video content in combination with displays, social networks, and email advertising to make a holistic campaign.

What is the Upgrade All About?

Video Action Campaigns in Google Ads have been a go-to for almost every advertiser who is seeking to achieve conversions through video. These campaigns enable businesses to advertise their products or services through video advertisements that will be displayed on YouTube as well as Google Display Network. They are intended to prompt the audience to click on the adverts, make purchases, and otherwise interact with the ad content in some way with the consumers more likely to be interested in the advertised goods and services.

However, given the planned transition to Demand Gen, Google is not only focused on triggering actions but has set a goal of building up a demand generation environment. This new approach will help to identify potential buyers more efficiently and enhance ad ROI in comparison to traditional Video Action Campaigns.

Why Does This Upgrade Matters?

The overall environment of digital advertisement is ever-changing and more complicated than before, and the consumer is unpredictable. It was further ascertained that in the year 2023 video was the most preferred marketing tool for 91% of businesses or industries. This has the potential of making video marketing a highly effective marketing strategy but also shows that more advanced perfected ways of reaching the market need to be employed to penetrate through the noise to reach the right market. The transition to Demand Gen campaigns is a big step in changing how digital marketing is conducted. Here are a few reasons why this transition is important:

  • Enhanced Brand Building: 

Demand Gen campaigns are more tactical when it comes to brand development. By focusing on and presenting content that is more relevant to customer relationships, advertisers can better develop brand equity in the long run.

  • Broader Engagement:

With a focus on generating interest and consideration, the Demand Gen campaigns can target a broad audience. This is especially useful for brands that are looking to expand their market reach and capture the interest of potential customers who may not be ready to buy at first instance.

  • Data-Driven Insights:

They incorporate data analytics in a very advanced way to adjust targeting and messaging. This helps the advertisers to display content that is specific and useful for their audience besides improving the overall performance of the campaigns.

  • Long-Term Value: 

Through developing, constructing, and managing the demand side, advertisers can foster long-term meaningful relationships with the target consumers, which in turn foster demand and eventual growth of customers.

Steps To Consider To Get Ready For The Upgrade

For the best outcome of this upcoming upgrade, it is wise that business entities should start early preparing their plans. Here are a few steps to consider:

  • Evaluate Current Campaigns: 

It is therefore important that you take a closer look at your existing Video Action Campaigns to see what is effective and what is not. Use such valuable information in the process of transitioning to Demand Gen.

  • Invest in Data and Analytics: 

Make sure you have the appropriate skills and tools to collect and analyze the data of the campaign. This will be important especially when it comes to getting the best out of the analytic tools in Demand Gen.

  • Experiment with New Ad Formats:

To try out new formats, advertisements, and other creatives using platforms or palettes that your audience engages the most with. This will assist you to be ahead of the game as soon as Demand Gen is up and running.

  • Stay Informed: 

To help you track any new changes concerning Google Ads and to enhance your knowledge concerning the advancements that Google is making in ads, it is good to check for updates regularly.

Examples of Demand Gen Campaigns

To illustrate how Demand Gen campaigns work, consider these examples:

  • Tech Company Product Launch: 

Demand Gen can be used, for example, by a tech company that wants to start marketing a new product. For instance, they could create engaging video ads on social media promoting the product’s features followed by display ads and influencer collaborations to create hype and collect leads.

  • Luxury Fashion Brand Awareness:

A luxury fashion brand, therefore, could use the Demand Gen campaign to launch its new collection through well-produced and professionally shot videos. In addition to this, through such campaigns integrated with social media and conquered by interactive marketing strategy, they can construct a premium brand image and attract potential customers.

  • Educational Institution Enrollment:

An educational institution that wants to attract more students can use a Demand Gen campaign including videos with students’ and teachers’ experiences. Combined with paid advertisements and useful content, this campaign could potentially generate public interest and likely, lead generation to the upcoming programs.


This shift from Video Action Campaigns and to Demand Gen campaigns in Google Ads is a clear marker of the evolution in Digital Marketing. In particular, the focus on increasing brand recall, audience engagement, and lead generation across various channels brings a lot of value to advertisers which allows this upgrade as a solution for further success. Looking at the future and up towards 2025, while competing in the field of digital marketing, following this shift we are going to face will be a challenge. Stay tuned with the latest updates with TIS Digitech- the best Google Ads Management Agency. Call us to enquire more!

By Team TIS
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