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Last Updated On August 22, 2024

Safeguarding Your WordPress Site: Best Practices

Safeguarding Your WordPress Site: Best Practices
By Team TIS

As WordPress currently holds about 40% of the global web presence; it has become a preferred choice for attackers due to the availability of multiple plugins and themes. The website can be an online store that displays products you have to offer, a personal blog that displays your work, or an integrated society for one category of people. But no matter how attractive it may be, like a store needs security measures, a website also needs it. And this is the role of website security comes into play. With an insecure WordPress website, you are likely to lose your data, and fight malware and all this amounts to a lack of trust from users; this applies to both personal and business sites.

In this blog post, you will learn the basic steps and valuable recommendations that will help make your website safe and reliable with WordPress.

Understanding WordPress Security

Why Does Security Matter?

Try to picture a stranger trying to steal your merchandise in your shop. That is the consequence of having an insecure website. Your precious data with your visitors and guests can be easily pilfered by hackers involved in practices of injecting malicious code into your site’s files or exploiting weaknesses in plugins and themes. Security isn’t an issue for large corporations only, those who have a great amount of information. However, small websites are also attacked, and the repercussions are similar.

The security of the website is an important component; hence, there is a need to ensure that the site is secure. For businesses, a security breach can lead to:

  • Data Theft: The information regarding the customers can be stolen like credit card details and personal data which can cause a lot of monetary losses and put the business on the wrong side of the law.
  • Reputation Damage: A malicious attack on a site will reduce the flow of traffic and this will affect the flow of customers to your business leading to a reduction in sales since they will have lost confidence in the business.
  • Financial Loss: Businesses can lose a lot of money during the recovery process from a security breach, costs of hiring professional services, legal costs, and lost sales.

What Are The Common Security Threats?

Think of these threats as burglars attempting to enter your house, or in this case, your website. Understanding common security threats helps you implement effective defenses:

  • Malware: Programs that are specifically meant to harm your website, or break into your website to steal information or damage the website. Malware can be gotten through infected plugins, themes, or through any other outside attack.
  • Brute Force Attacks: These attacks entail the perpetrator being able to attempt several combinations of the usernames and passwords with the aim of hacking. Brute force attacks are generally used to try to log in hundreds of times, and this can result in downtime.
  • SQL Injections: Hackers take advantage of the weaknesses that exist in the code of your site to run undesirable SQL statements. Such queries can alter your database, steal information, or otherwise potentially render your site dysfunctional.

These are just a few examples and there are new threats that appear from time to time. If you follow these measures, your website’s security will substantially increase:

How To Safeguard Your WordPress Site?

Here are a few ways to safeguard your WordPress site:

Use Strong Passwords and Usernames

Any website has to be secure and this is done by having good passwords as well as usernames. Do not use words like “admin”, ‘Password’, ‘1234’, and other such easily guessable patterns. Make sure you have different and complex passwords for all your accounts, and in order to remember all those passwords use a password manager.

A robust password should be:

  • Long: Where there is conflict between them, the violent criminals are obliged to mine at least 12 characters.
  • Complex: Ensure you have chosen at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, a number, and at least one symbol character.
  • Unique: Do not use the same password for all those accounts like social networking and shopping accounts.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an additional stage to the methods of protection. It is like having a double lock on your door making it extremely hard to break in. With 2FA if a user has logged in using a guessed password, the second factor of authentication will be required for the intruder to gain access. This could be:

  • A Code: Received through an SMS on your phone or generated through the help of an authenticator app.
  • A Biometric Scan: For example, thumbprint or face identification.

Popular 2FA plugins include:

  • Google Authenticator: Gives a time-sensitive token known as the time-based one-time password (TOTP) from the Google Authenticator app.
  • Authy: It has similar functionality with the multitouch gesture with support to other devices.

How To Keep WordPress Up-to-Date?

Regular Updates

Well, updates are sort of like those temporary fixes done on the roof when it has a leak. Updates may contain fixes to various security issues and new additions to the program’s protection level.

To ensure timely updates:

How to Automate Updates

Automating updates can help you stay secure without manual intervention. You can enable automatic updates for WordPress core, themes, and plugins through the dashboard. For more detailed steps, refer to this guide.

Further, consider using plugins that deal with updates automatically, for example, Easy Updates Manager is a plugin that offers advanced control for auto-updating.

Securing WordPress Plugins and Themes

Choose Reputable Sources

Similarly to how you would not install a program from an untrusted website, one should also select plugins and themes carefully. The plugin and theme files should be obtained from reliable sources like the official WordPress repository. This also helps in sealing the code and then disseminating it in order to ensure that it has been checked for security and all necessary functions.

Regularly Review Installed Plugins

Always monitor the plugins and themes you have on your website. Remove the ones that are no longer relevant or have not been used for a very long time. WP security plugins and themes that are not updated or maintained always prove to be security hazards once they are outdated.

Suggested Security Plugins

Here’s a rundown of some highly recommended WordPress security plugins to prevent hacking:

  1. Sucuri: Sucuri offers full security and assistance with threats that range from basic antivirus and antispyware to layered security. It enhances the security features and improves operating system configuration to reduce vulnerability and layered protection mechanisms to prevent different kinds of attacks on the WordPress website. Sucuri’s services are aimed to give you that initial line of defense in protecting your website from anything that will threaten its genuineness and functionality.
  2. Wordfence: Wordfence gives WordPress websites essential layers, including a powerful firewall that will shield them from common dangers. The real-time threat prevention component makes certain that any new dangers are detected on time and controlled. Also, Wordfence offers full-featured security logs in which you can monitor and analyze possible security problems with complete descriptions of the events happening on your website.
  3. Defender Security: WordPress security majorly integrates features to amplify the protection of your website and among them is the two-factor authentication during logins as offered by Defender Security. It also requires periodic scanning for malware infections, the removal of malware if found, as well as a security audit trail that shows a record of activities in the security operation of the system.
  4. Solid Security: Risks such as the brute force attack and SQL injection are covered under Solid Security where protective measures are in place. The simplicity of the settings of this software allows site administrators to decide on its configuration and provide protections, without hassle even to those who might not be well-versed in the field.
  5. Shield Security: Fast and reliable website protection is offered under Shield Security, which also comes with a firewall for filtering out unwanted traffic and login protection for guarding from intruders. It also provides other related add-ons that are aimed at the increase of the overall site security and can be considered as the complete solution for the protection of your WordPress resource from possible threats.
  6. Security Ninja: Security Ninja comes with a security scan of your WordPress site and presents recommendations as well as resolutions to enhance the overall security of the site. Conducting this assessment enables the discovery of some of the possible risks and the guidelines to follow in case of the review of your site; thus, you will realize the best way forward.
  7. BulletProof Security: BulletProof Security is more about spying and safeguarding, other features include superior firewalls and login shields. It wants to stop unauthorized access and/or protect from the number of attacks by incorporating advanced security features, making the service efficient for increasing your WordPress website’s safety against potential threats.
  8. MalCare Security: Automatic Malware scanning is one of MalCare Security’s strengths besides guaranteeing that your W WordPress site will be constantly scanned. With the help of the solution, clients receive an overview of scanned files and can monitor the state of their site’s security and take immediate action in case of problems that have been identified during the scanning process.
  9. All In One WP Security and Firewall: All-in-One WP Security and Firewall is an all-around web security plugin that makes use of Firewall, Login Security as well as Database Security to secure your WordPress site. This one is a set of features aimed to deliver a powerful and comprehensive WordPress security solution.

Remember, regularly review your installed plugins and remove any that are unused or outdated.

Configuring Your WordPress Settings for Security

Adjusting some of the WordPress settings can immensely enhance security. Let’s start with some simple but effective changes:

Disable File Editing

Deactivating the appearance, editor, and plugin section of the WordPress panel ensures that unauthorized individuals do not modify your site’s files. To turn off the editing feature, one is required to include the following line on the wp-config page. php file:


define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’, true);

This simple step is useful to prevent unauthorized manipulation of your site.

Limit Login Attempts

Prevent the band-maid attacks on your site by limiting the number of login attempts. Plugins, for example, limit login attempts reloaded can be used to set limits and get alerts of any activity that is malicious.

It can be another challenge that requires changing the Default Login URL.

This is good to try as it reduces the ability of the attacker to guess the default URL of the wp-admin login page. There are various plugins available in WordPress like WPS Hide Login which can be useful to modify the URL of login and to increase security measures in the login form.

Implementing Best Practices for WordPress Security

While the steps above are essential, additional measures can provide even stronger prot

Install a Security Plugin

We have listed some of the famous types above. These plugins include security options that range from scanning your site for malware to having a firewall provision. Plugins like Wordfence and Sucuri offer features such as:

  • Firewalls: Stop unwanted traffic before it gets to your doorstep.
  • Malware Scanning: Scans and eliminates viruses and malicious software on the targeted PC.
  • Security Monitoring: Include alerts for suspicious activities in real-time based on the inputs from the cameras and other sensors.

Set Up a Web Application Firewall (WAF)

A WAF functions as a wall that scans the traffic and prevents malicious traffic from penetrating your website. It sits between your site and the threat and prevents them from getting into the core of your site.


Digital certificates such as SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates work by encrypting the data that is exchanged between your site and the end user. Enabling the usage of SSL/HTTPS serves not only to protect the information but also affects the position in SERP. Modern hosting companies provide free SSL, or you can get a certificate from Let’s Encrypt for free as well.

Securing your WordPress website with these tips requires a bit more technical knowledge, but they’re worth the effort for added security.

The Importance of Regular Backups

Some of the backup plugins are UpdraftPlus and VaultPress among others. It is advisable to have backups created on a weekly and maybe daily basis for important information. Even with the best security measures, there’s always a risk of something going wrong. That’s why regular backups are crucial. Suppose one fine day you wake up to find your website has been hacked, and all the information has disappeared. In such a situation, your regular backup can be a troubleshooter for you to restore your website data quickly. Backups enable you to return the site to the previous state, making downtime and data loss minimal.

Backup Tools

Some popular options include:

  • UpdraftPlus: It offers simple booking of the backups and also the restoration process then has additional features of cloud storage.
  • VaultPress: This offers real-time backup and security scanning as a part of a Jetpack plugin family.

It is recommended that backups be carried out routinely and the backup files be kept in other locations like cloud or hard drives.

Monitoring and Response

Set Up Security Alerts

It is very important to know that security is not a one-day event but rather an ongoing event. Security alerts let you track the website for malicious activities after deploying security measures on the site. Security plugins are capable of generating alarms for instance failed login attempts, changes to the key files, or even the presence of a virus. Such notifications help you act promptly in relation to possible threats.

Regular Security Scans

Conduct periodic checkups on your site’s security to determine the existing gaps and the type of malware present. There are many security plugins that have their own integrated scan features that can be set up for weekly or daily scanning. Scanning makes you act on the security problems before they come to a head.

What to Do If Hacked

If your website is hacked, follow these steps to mitigate the damage:

  1. Restore from Backup: If your site is not working correctly, then replace it with the recent backup that was created for it.
  2. Scan for Malware: We find all the viruses in the computer and then delete them.
  3. Change Passwords: Change all passwords related to the site you are securing- most importantly, administration accounts, FTP, and database passwords.
  4. Update Software: Make sure that all the default PHP files that come with WordPress, as well as all the themes and plugins installed, are of the latest version.
  5. Seek Professional Help: If required one needs to get help from a security expert or consult a Professional WordPress Website Development Services to remediate and tighten up the site.


WordPress security is more of a process and not a one-time thing, and the following measures are some of the things you need to do. The described methods such as using strong passwords, making two-factor authentication, updating a website, protecting plugins and themes, and backing up data can minimize the probability of attacks. Thus one can smoothly run a WordPress website, thus being confident that it is safe and reliable, through close monitoring and timely response to threats.

By Team TIS
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